Thursday, March 4, 2010

Speaking Truth To Power

Eva von Dassow back on President Bruininks' Case

Professor von Dassow has made earlier appearances here.


From MPR:

Minneapolis — The president of the University of Minnesota is proposing three days of mandatory unpaid furlough for all university employees.

Robert Bruininks told a meeting of the university's faculty senate Thursday that the furlough plan would save the university $12 million.

Faculty member Eva von Dassow told Bruininks that instead of budget cuts and furloughs, the school should reduce the salaries of its highest paid executive staff, and forgo a planned 2 percent raise for all employees.

"That wouldn't make it necessary either to raise tuition, or to close needed programs, or to cut more faculty positions, or to cut curriculum and courses that students need and that they were promised," von Dassow said.

The faculty senate will vote on the furlough plan at a meeting later this month.

Margaret Soltan, Professor of English at George Washington University, has virtually immortalized Eva von Dassow in her post:

Dropkick Me Jesus

For those not into popular culture references: