Thursday, September 30, 2010

Retroactive Faculty Consultation

at the University of Minnesota

Or, Business as Usual?

Perhaps after the public flap over Troubled Waters the U of M administration will start paying more than lip service to rules and regs?

From an email by AHC VP and med school dean Cerra:

Those who participated in the development of the University-wide Conflicts of Interest Policy created a separate document incorporating virtually all of the standards that will govern faculty and staff involved in clinical health care, titled Individual Conflicts of Interest:  Clinical Health Care – Patient Contact in the Academic Health Center. This document supplements the University-wide policy and therefore is referred to as Appendix A. 
In early July, I met with AHC leadership, disseminated Appendix A, and asked that they seek input from their respective colleges and schools. I met with this group again in late July and received their support for the implementation of the draft document.  Appendix A was then disseminated widely within the AHC in early August as a final document. 
Since then, Lynn Zentner, Director, Office of Institutional Compliance, and I have received feedback indicating that many of you did not have an opportunity to review and provide feedback before Appendix A was considered to be in effect.
During a recent meeting that Lynn and I had with members of the AHC FCC, attendees requested that the document be posted for a 30-day comment period.  We agreed to do that. 
Appendix A will be posted at  beginning Thursday, September 30, and continuing through Friday, October 29. 

Another egregious violation of faculty governance policy at the University of Minnesota.


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