Sunday, November 1, 2009

Mr. Bonzo Cuts Back on Blogging

I will be going on sabbatical/research leave to Brandeis University in Boston from 1/1/10 until 6/1/11. In the next two months I have much to do to prepare for this move, so I am cutting back to posting only on Sundays. This will probably continue while I'm gone.

I appreciate very much the kind words and encouragement that I have received over the years from readers. I also know that the people to whom much of this has been directed - the Morrill Hall crowd - are aware of what has been written on this blog and its brother, The Periodic Table, Too.

The current financial situation at the U is going to force a serious re-evaluation of our mission, values, and priorities. My fear is that the ambitious aspirations of our administration will continue unchecked because of a lack of inclusion and true consultation with students, faculty, and staff.

I wish the University nothing but the best. Honest dissent from the Morrill Hall party line is my responsibility as a Minnesota citizen, and university alum/faculty member.

The Morrill Hall crowd should look on the face of Northrop every day to remind themselves of these profound words:

The University of Minnesota

Founded in the Faith that Men are Enobled by Understanding

Dedicated to the Advancement of Learning and the Search for Truth

Devoted to the Instruction of Youth and the Welfare of the State

It used to be quite easy to walk out the front door of Morrill and read the Northrop inscription. But the front door of Morrill is now locked and only the side and back doors are accessible.

Symbolic of what has been happening in Morrill Hall?

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