Thursday, September 10, 2009

State of Minnesota in Need of a Motivating Principle?

University of Minnesota, Also?

From the Pioneer-Planet:

In Need of a Motivating Principle

Without a clear, common motivating principle, even good people of good faith and great talent are no match for inertia. The challenge is to expand the public conversation about public spending beyond a superficial, status-quo-reinforcing argument between the forces of "more" and the forces of "less." By all accounts, we're facing years of "less" — in terms of tax revenue to support new public spending.

That leaves us with this option: Reset priorities, and reform the way we think about, and deliver, public services.

Reset priorities, Dr. Bruininks!

Do you know what this means?

No more third best yadda, yadda.

Let's return to our land grant mission. Let's have a building moratorium. After all, as the old saying goes, people are our most important product.


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