… in the Minneapolis Star Tribune notes that the most charitable description of what’s been going on at the clubby University of Minnesota medical school would be “bizarre.”
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Replace Science Classroom Building?
We've Been Talking About This for Thirty Years,
Could We Please Do Something?
We've Been Talking About This for Thirty Years,
Could We Please Do Something?
(With a Side Rant on Teaching Methods...)
"It's a better use of money than a $500 million football stadium"
Nothing illustrates the priorities of the current administration better than the so-called Science Classroom Building situation…Full disclosure: Mr. B. is very familiar with the Science classroom building having made first acquaintance nearly forty years ago. He is a proud graduate of BigU’s chemistry department and has had some experience teaching chemistry at the undergraduate level.
The Science Classroom Building, long described as a campus blemish by students and instructors alike, could soon be getting more than just a touchup.
The building, a fixture of the East Bank campus since 1962, would be demolished to make way for a new Science Teaching and Student Services Center.
Wayne Gladfelter, a professor of chemistry who has taught in the Science Classroom Building for most of his 19 years at the University, said the project would be a much-needed upgrade to the current facilities.
The facility would include several state-of-the-art science classrooms in addition to other student service offices offering academic advising, career counseling, financial aid and billing - offices which are currently scattered across the Minneapolis campus.
Gladfelter said the current building is in desperate need of renovations to the heating and ventilation systems in addition to being just plain ugly.
University officials conservatively estimated the project would be completed by 2012, but talks are currently underway to start sooner in order to save money on inflation.
Michael Perkins, associate vice president of Capital Planning and Project Management, said the new classrooms will feature several technological advancements to provide a more active learning environment for students.
Sorry sir, I have some news for you. This comes from the real world and not your uncited "substantial" research. It comes from someone who has actual experience teaching real undergraduates at places ranging from Carleton to BigU over nearly forty years. Although I might be a curmudgeon, I am not a Luddite. I use technology where appropriate and have even won an award from BigU for technology enhanced teaching.
The best way to present introductory courses in general, organic, and biochemistry is the lecture method.
Guess what - it is the people stupid! And good teachers will make appropriate use of technology using their best judgment.
Gladfelter said the University needs to be careful when balancing resources for instructing students with accessibility for large classes.
"With many of these buildings that they're talking about constructing, there seems to be a relatively small proportion spent on classrooms," he said. "That's something we cannot afford to lose."
Orlyn Miller, director of planning and architecture at the Office of Capital Planning and Project Management, said the University placed a higher priority on the project this year after it failed to get funding last year.
Miller added that it didn't hurt that Bruininks is a strong supporter of the project.
Uh-huh, he has been a really strong and vigorous supporter… If he had put as much effort into getting the Science Classroom Building situation taken care of as he put into the football stadium we would have had a gold-plated science classroom building two years ago.
Mike Stone, a neuropsychology student who has attended classes in the Science Classroom Building, said just because the building is an eyesore doesn't mean it isn't still useful.
"I think the technology is too old in terms of projection and sound systems, but otherwise (the building) is adequate," Stone said. "On the other hand, lecture halls and labs are more necessary than some of the other projects on campus."
Anthropology junior Tom Taff agreed with Stone's sentiments.
On the one hand it is good that this situation is finally going to be taken care of. On the other hand I fear that the people making decisions do not know what they are doing. I certainly hope that they consult with the folks in chemistry such as Wayne Gladfelter - to make sure that a new science classroom building is done right. A new building done badly will be even worse than the current eyesore.